Why taking your omega-3 is VITAL for YOU?

  • Today Omega-3 is the single most deficient nutrient…
  • Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes are the main degenerative diseases that prematurely kill over sixty eight percent (68%) of people: all involve the wrong fats and fatty degeneration…
  • Omega-3 deficiency is linked with over 50 health conditions and diseases as it reduces our cells’ abilities to perform efficiently, and leads to nutrient starvation, aging & chronic illnesses…
  • Omega 3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body and therefore must be supplied through our diet or nutritional supplements…
  • Every living cell in the body requires essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 and omega-6,  to remain functional as they are essential to repair or produce new cells
  • Today’s diet is predominantly high in omega-6 which stimulates pro-inflammatory pathways in the body…
  • On the other hand, omega 3 fatty acids encourage anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing actions…
  • More and more studies link a deficiency in omega-3 to not only degenerative diseases but also to depression, psychiatric and behavioral disorders, joints and vision health, pregnancy and neuro-development of the infant, and to other immune and inflammatory conditions of certain cancers
  • Western governments and international health organizations currently unanimously agree that the intake of omega-3 should increase
  • But all sources of omega 3 fatty acids are not equally absorbable by the body…
  • Vegetable sources of omega-3 require metabolic conversion, without which the body won’t be able to benefit from the essential fatty acids….
  • Direct sources of omega 3 fatty acids, like fish oil, contains mainly EPA and DHA

Unlike seal oil that contains complete Omega3 EPA, DHA AND DPA, and have more qualities that are essential for your health…

Don’t Miss out: Get Your EPA, DHA AND DPA!

120 capsules Omega 3, Bio+MEGA3®, with EPA, DHA and DPA, a source of complete source of omega 3 fatty acids
  • Bio MEGA3® derives from seal oil, the ONLY source of omega-3 that contains EPA, DHA and DPA, making it the most complete source of omega 3 fatty acids available…
  • Bio MEGA3® does not need metabolic conversion like vegetal sources of omega 3 fatty acids…
  • 1/3 of omega 3 fatty acids circulating in the human blood is attribuable to DPA…
  • Bio MEGA3® has up to 10 times the DPA content of fish oil
  • The molecular structure of Bio MEGA3® permits easier digestibility, metabolic absorption, and superior effects, as compared to fish oils, in disease prevention and potential health benefits…
  • Bio MEGA3® is cold-pressed, naturally purified and cholesterol free

Bio MEGA3® is more stable and has years of preservation’s ability…

Finally, experience the safety of no non-sense 100% natural nutritional supplements that can save you time, money and take the does-it-work guess out!

Look no further, put Bio+ MEGA3® and Bio+ Chlorella®   to the test and feel the difference!

Your health has everything to gain