“Yes, feel free to add my story in your testimonials and use my real name, no problem. I found about your chlorella in a heavy metal detox forum but I don’t remember which one. Someone was saying really good things about Bio+chlorella and that is how I decided to try it out!

The chlorellas I tried are:

a) Rainforest Foods broken cell wall chlorella
This is chlorella vulgaris and 6 grams gives me mental clarity and tight gut, but it also gives me drooping eye lids. Mind you this is also something I get with 10mg of zinc picolinate supplementation. I feel strong but like sad looking! I think this is because of the mercury effect and it shows that the body tries to detox, but not successfully causing possible mercury redistribution. They say the jaw is like a toxic dump accumulating toxic metals, imagine with 12 silver fillings all these years what I may have in there!

b) Mike Adams health ranger chlorella which is supposed to have the less contaminants but chlorella doesn’t see the sun. I think they may have some chlorella that is grown outside now not sure. This chlorella has better detoxing as my drooping eye lid effect was less. It is Pyrenoidosa species. Not that I mind, but the taste was less green (i.e. like eating greens) than the rest.

c) Sun chlorella A. This is also Pyrenoidosa and it has somewhat milder effect (or different detox path) than the others on my body and it smells fresh.

d) Bio+Chlorella. This is my favourite! Skin glows, eye lid drooping gets suppressed, skin on the face becomes smooth for some reason, strength, and lots of energy especially when taking 8 grams twice a day! However, this quantity also makes the chlorella not to be used as a plain antioxidant/nutrient, but mercury mobiliser and depending on someone’s toxicity and immune system they may have side effects such as joint and muscle pains, that seem to move from one body part to another. I personally use now 4 gr per day empty stomach in the morning and wait for an hour before I eat for antioxidant protection, nutrition, plus coating the gut to trap any metals on their way out.

I also tried chlorella combinations and I liked taking 5 gr of Bio+Chlorella plus 1 gr of Sun Chlorella A , somehow there is synergy: smooth face skin lasts longer and warm hands! I now use exclusively Bio+chlorella.

Quite interesting about your other customer testimonials you describe. Yes, not sure if it is still in practice, but vaccines used to have mercury inside because it is antibacterial. With 19 shots who knows how much quantity this poor guy may had got. Or whether the half alive organisms in the vaccines (that our body is supposed to completely kill) were too much for his gut.

I have also read about the Klinghardt protocol and tried many others, but I personally believe Cutler’s is better from the point of view that the agent used for excreting Mercury should have the same strength during the whole period of the detox round, i.e. it takes into account the chelator’s half life. Alpha lipoic acid for example has a half-life of 3 hours, i.e. in 3 hours it loses half its strength. It is very important when that time lapses to replenish the chelator, otherwise, whatever the agent, chlorella, cilantro, alpha lipoic acid, DMSA, etc, they just loose strength and they drop the mercury that they are holding to. Of course each chelator or substance in general has its own specific half life.

And believe me you really feel it when the chelator starts losing its strength! Your head feels uneasy for some reason, pains, burns, stings it depends on the person. When I was trying cilantro out (coriander extract) I felt super great for half an hour! I’ll never forget it! Like being 19 years old again! Then I went to drink water and my kidneys got so swollen and hurting as if I had low back injury. I was in such a pain and I was horrified once again. That time I was taking cilantro with chlorella. I think they say that cilantro does’t necessarily chelate mercury, but it causes it to detach from where it is sitting and you could have a large flow of heavy metals which can be dangerous. This is why they think it should be used at the end of a detox treatment for the last stubborn mercury bits still in the body! From my experience, I think I agree!”

– Nektarios Papadopoulos, U.K ((Update, June 26, 2014)


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