Superfoods: the best rescue to your body’s needs!
The Superior Health Benefits of Superfoods
The powers of raw superfoods, true wonders of nature, have multiple ways of giving you dramatic positive changes!
- Whole foods or superfoods are live and bio-available for maximum cell absorption…
- They include many micro-nutrients such as trace minerals or phytochemicals that are unavailable in processed multi-vitamins…
- The assimilation at the cellular level of their nutrients -not their quantity-, and of the vitality and life force they contain, is what permit greater health benefits…

- Synergistically balanced and complex, superfoods cannot be replaced by man-made health formulas, which are often devoid of vitality and lack the perfect integration made by Mother Nature of health-supporting nutrients that cannot be fractionated …
- Unlike cooked or processed foods, raw and living foods contain precious digestives enzymes to help the body to assimilate nutrients in foods; and particularly after the age of forty, when the body loose most of its natural ability to produce enzymes…
- Superfoods offer multiple health benefits, but much more quickly and broadly, as they boost your “body’s inner intelligence” of balancing itself!
With Superfoods you can maximize the value of your health care products and your health returns! In fact:
- High quality nutritional supplements can “pay off big” in terms of potential health care costs reduction and future well-being…
- Like in a retirement plan, it pays to start early as you can compound significant health benefits over time…
- Make sure your health food supplements address your body as a whole and that they are bio-available to insure yourself a good health ROI (return on investment).
The Queen of Superfoods: Chlorella

Beside the fact that Chlorella is the most scientifically researched green food on the planet, with worldwide studies by some of the most prestigious scientific institutes, including NASA, the Carnegie and Pasteur institutes, etc., as the Queen or leader of super foods, Chlorella is of particular interest in today’s modern world.
Why is that, you might ask? You might have realized that paradoxically we leave in a world of