I am 19 years old. When I started to take Bio Chlorella®, just a few tablets / day, I was really surprised by the way it helped my PMS and my colitis symptoms. Normally, I literally “die” of pain when I have my periods! It is so bad, I have to take strong medicine. But when I take Bio Chlorella®, my cramping is much better. I also have a lot of problems with my digestion. I can hardly hold anything in my stomach, especially when I have anxiety or suffer from stress. With Bio Chlorella®, my movements are less frequent, from my usual 7-8 /day, and more solid.

I also witnessed my brother to have amazing results, even better than mine. Two years younger than me, for years he had a real bad problem with acne. It was all over his face, his shoulders and back. Also, my mom had some challenges with him: 1) it was really challenging to wake him up in the morning as we had to yell I don’t know how many times before he would get up 2) diagnosed with ADHD since little (he used to be on Retlin), he has a hard time to focus and concentrate 3) with an oppositional/defiant attitude, his temper could be a burden for the whole family, and 4) with a cigarette first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, complaints of migraine and heartburns were frequent.

When he started to take Bio Chlorella® and Bio Mega3® at the same time, we noticed dramatic changes within a short time. Chokingly, he was soon the first member of the family to be up, bright and early! He would say that he slept much sounder at night and therefore had no trouble getting up. Unlike previously, he would have an appetite for breakfast and a better appetite in general (but is still skinny). He also told me he no longer suffered from heartburns and headaches. He said that he was able to focus, listen to people and concentrate better, and that he felt calmer and less angry at the world! To bout, in a month time, his acne was a third of what it used to be.

He became more confident and you could see more of his gorgeous eyes and handsome face. We also found out he usually suffered from colitis, like me, and that this situation also became better for him. My mother was so pleased with my brother’s changes, she said it was like a miracle! And trust me, I am happy too!


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