“I have well received your two bottles 3 days after, just in time: I had only one day supply left!

I will share just two or three words on my personal story and the reason why I buy chlorella from you: I am 39 years old, married, have 2 children and a job in a large international group, amazing activities, three companies I recently founded, an active and dynamic life!

However, I got sick during the summer of 2002 with all the symptoms of arteriosclerosis, diverse neuro-muscular troubles in my leg & arm, but with a RMI negative and repetitive pain in my joints.

My troubles worsened at the beginning of 2003 with pressure in my chest, difficulty breathing, arrhythmia of the heart, visual troubles, insomnia during three days, pain in the joints, intestinal troubles, A NIGHTMARE!

After a number of testing and medical visits, an osteopath suggested me to search towards the hepatitis B vaccine.

In short, I had intoxication with hydroxide aluminum and with heavy metals!!!

Through the internet, I found a massive detoxifying protocol based on chlorella which I started on the 4th of August 2003.

Since then, I live again! Progressively, I have almost regained my full intellectual potential and vitality; in the morning, I wake up fresh & available from the start.

My improvement has been qualified as exceptional by the doctor who follows me up: both my skin and my hair condition have completely changed! My weight has regulated, anyway, I am a brand new man! I will contact you soon for a new order!”


– je@n (France) (translated from French)


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